Frizzy and Curly

Frizzy and Curly

Having 40 years of caring for, attending and exposed to diverse afro-textured hair, Casey understands the struggle with frizzy and curly hair, how humidity can make the hair very unmanageable.

At Casey Salon, we offer an effective professional protein treatment to calm and tame the fly away. This humidity resistant treatment is anti-frizz. It also repairs, moisten and strengthen the hair. Under Casey's supervision, you will be in good hands as our team of superb specialists, attend to and process this treatment with care.

Casey has specially selected 2 professional range of internationally recognized products to be used for this treatment. They are both Formaldehyde-free.


Launched in 2009, Kerastraight is a UK based company that produces an award-winning treatment that straightens and repair hair simultaneously.

Kerastraight is a suitable treatment for all hair types, and it's result can last up to 4 months, varying depending on the intensity of the frizziness, texture, condition and lifestyle.


Keratherapy is an American company founded by David Mulhollen in 2010. Inspired by the glamour of the Miami lifestyle and motivated by its threats to hair being exposed to relentless sun, humidity and salt water. With its high volume of keratine ingredient, this treatment is recommended for those with intense frizzy hair.

Service Technical SpecialistSenior Leading StylistCreative Style Director
Keratine Treatment240minfrom $255from $255-

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